Over the years, many people have made some wonderful fan art of Baron Dipitous, often drawing him in many, many different forms. I've been collecting each piece of fan art ever made of Baron, and have wanted a single place for the public to see all this creativity.
Now, this is the place to find it all! This "Book of Barons" is essentially an art gallery of Baron Dipitous in all his forms. I have the pieces organized into categories, creating the idea that there are various versions of Baron in a vast multiverse of sorts. I've even written lore for some of these Barons!
As far as I know, all artwork displayed on this site belongs to the original creators (unless otherwise specified). Also, according to my knowledge & best efforts, all art pieces have either been posted on a public space in the past (Twitter, Reddit, etc.) or I have the artist's permission to share them publicly. I should also mention that almost all of these pieces were unsolicited or not commissioned (unless I say otherwise). I am blessed to have many generous & supportive fans, acquaintances, & friends who wanted to draw Baron in some way.
Go ahead, explore this gallery of Barons, page by page. Enjoy!
Baron Dipitous :)
(the "normal" one from your universe)
P.S.—If you notice a mistake anywhere in this website, or if you discover your art has been posted without your permission, please reach out to me and I'll fix the issue as quickly as I can (barondipitous@gmail.com).
A Multiverse of Barons
Names & titles presented in alphabetical order:
- Animal Barons
- Baron (IRL, the real-world guy, the one writing this "book")
- Baron Amongus (kinda sus)
- Barom Dipitous ("evil twin")
- Baron Dipitous (normal Baron)
- Baron Dipitous, Stand User (yes, it's a JoJo's reference)
- Baron Senpai (anime high school romance protagonist)
- Baron Dripitous (from that old "Goku drip" meme)
- Baroness Dipitous (genderbend)
- Bawon (cute/chibi)
- Pixel Baron
- Various Other Baron Iterations
Other Fan Works (non-Baron art, etc.)